On March 30th President Barack Obama addressed Turkish parliament and stated that the United States is not at war with Islam. Albert Mohler posted a great response to Obama's statements. I have taken some excerpts from his blog in an attempt to dispel pop cultural naivete concerning the compatibility and reconcilability of world religions, namely Christianity and Islam.
Islam is, in effect, the single most vital competitor to Western ideals of civilization on the world scene. The logic of Islam is to bring every square inch of this planet under submission to the rule of the Qur'an. Classical Islam divides the world into the "World of Islam" and the "World of War." In this latter world the struggle to bring the society under submission to the Qur'an is still ongoing.
This ambition drives the Muslim world -- and each faithful Muslim -- to hope, pray, and work for the submission of the whole world to the Qur'an. Clearly, most Muslims are not willing to employ terrorism in order to achieve this goal. Nevertheless, it remains the goal.
I heard an interview this past week on NPR where the interviewee stated that Islam is not a threat to society and poses no harm to western civilization. Moreover he stated that those within Islam who are violent have misinterpreted the Qur'an. Although the latter statement may have some warrant it does not detract from the fact stated above, that Islam is still about world domination. Whether those adherents to Islam believe that this comes from conversions or violent means.
The Judeo- Christian belief is also a belief in world dominion. The difference in the Christian worldview is that the earth will be ruled by Christ and his Saints. Jesus is coming back and waging war on his enemies. His wrath will be poured out on his enemies. Christians are about world domination, bringing the rule of Christ to all peoples in all places though the gospel.
Mathew 28:18, And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in [2] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Every square inch of the globe belongs to Christ. It is our goal, as it is the Muslims to subdue the earth-except our subjugation is through gospel means to the glory of the Son of Man (Daniel 7). In no way are these views reconcilable or compatible and neither is any other view that would state otherwise.
Coexistence is a pleasant thought however, concerning our religious ideologies it is, frankly, an impossibility.
What is so interesting (considering the fact that you are attempting to dispel "naivety") is that you take the time to explain how Islam and Christianity are irreconcilable, yet you use the term "Judeo-Christian", the most oxymoronic "Christian" term ever devised. Judaism is the ANTITHESIS of Christianity. Perhaps you didn't know.